Evōlution has developed an extensive, high quality line of alternative FAA certified PMA parts in a number of the most common maintenance disciplines. We understand the high cost of replacement parts and the often difficult and unreliable supply chain of many OEMs, especially for legacy systems. That’s why Evōlution Aerospace has developed hundreds of PMA parts to serve your requirements. Our sister company, Master Support, specializes in PMAs supporting both legacy and in production helicopters. Whether you are looking for motors, brushes, transformers and flash tubes or bushings, burst discs, and actuator components, we want to improve your profitability and provide great solutions for your customer.
Lighting Systems & Electronics including Grimes©
Actuators & Flight Control Systems
Brushes & Electronic Components
Landing Gear Systems
Flight Controls & Actuators
We look forward to working with you for your special PMA and DER requirements not on our current line card.